It’s hard to believe but it’s already time to look ahead to the 2022 golf season and our Member Tournament series which kicks off in just over a month with the Super Bowl Shamble. Below you will find a grid which lays out the entire season. As always, we use feedback throughout the year and analysis of past years to make any necessary changes for the following year. In 2022, we are going to make the following changes:
- Senior Golfers will now be defined as 60 years old and above
- While Men’s Championship flights for club championships will continue to play the Black tees, the Men’s First Flight will now play the Blue tees. We will be adding a Blue tee box to Eagle Ridge this spring, so Hedingham will be the only course that does not have one. For the Hedingham Club Championship, both the Championship and First Flight will play the Black tees. All other Men’s flights will continue to play the White tees.
- The Senior Championship flight for club championships will now play the White tees. All other Senior Men’s flights will continue to play the Gold tees.
- Depending on course and format, the tees that are played for non-major tournaments (i.e. Super Bowl Shamble, Luck O’ The Irish, etc…) may vary. The flyer and newsletter posts for each tournament will announce which tees are to be played.
The purpose of these changes is to better match the tees being played to the ability level of the golfers, thus creating a more fun experience for everyone. The Member Tournament Series continues to gain popularity each year and participation continues to grow. Our tournaments are a great chance to meet other members while getting the competitive juices flowing. If you have not played any tournaments in the past, I invite you to try at least one in 2022. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it! I look forward to seeing you all at the courses soon.
Daniel Davis
General Manager of Golf Courses